Everyone has up and downs in life - some it seems have far more than their fair share. But I truly believe that it's through our greatest struggles that we learn and grow the most, evolving who we are.
When we're in the thick of it, those difficulties can feel endless and impossible to overcome, but, once we've risen from the flames like a Phoenix, we are able to realise that it's helped us to grow and learn in ways that we wouldn't have deemed possible before.
So, as my birthday nears with another year around the sun, here are a few of my reflections: advice I would give my teenage self...
My top-20 life-lessons (so far!)
Our innate healing ability is incredible
Nature provides everything we need to flourish
You're never to old to learn something new or retrain!
Always keep an open-mind and do your own research
Trust your gut instinct
Your differences are what make you special
Where your attention goes, energy flows (so focus on the positives!)
You CAN! Listen to your heart, not anyone else's opinions
See the world! It's stunning (as are the communities in it)
Be YOU and love every facet of yourself
Care less about what others think
Find what makes your soul sing and embrace it unapologetically
Be respectful, compassionate and kind - always
A smile goes a long way
Find beauty in the simplest of things, every day
Life isn't always easy, but it's a gift and worth cherishing
There is no such thing as a wrong choice (believe in fate more!)
There is a lesson for growth in every experience
Take every opportunity life throws at you
LOVE is at the heart of everything - love for others; for nature; for ourselves.
I'd love to hear what advice you'd give your teenage self! Why not comment below.
With love,
Kathryn x